Assembly Takeoff Audit

While Sage Estimating provides an on-demand pass audit during assembly review, as well as a detailed takeoff audit report, the intent of this template was to isolate the input values provided within each assembly and render that as a simple and navigable summary for the lead estimator. 

This export template was designed to provide you with a pass by pass summary of variable input activity across all assemblies that were utilized to develop the estimate scope to that point.

Features provided in the live MS Excel result include the following:

  • Retention of all assembly and pass notes entered by the user during the takeoff process, captured as notes that appear upon hovering over the associated cells (indicated with red tick marks when present)
  • If the estimate is connected to a Sage Estimating database prior to initiating the export routine, both the variable unit names and any available help notes are also captured (the latter indicated with red tick marks when present)

Crosstab Analysis

Sample output from the export template can be found at the links in the table below.  All export samples are unaltered and generated directly from the Sage Estimating sample project described here.

Format File
MS Excel Sample
PDF Sample

Click here to download all samples referenced in the table above